Frequently Asked Questions
Liver is situated in the upper right side of the abdomen just below the rib cage. The liver helps fight infections and cleans your blood. lt also helps digest food and stores a form of sugar your body uses for energy. lt produces clotting factors, makes proteins and store vitamins.
Liver damage cafl occur suddenly or it can happen over a period of time.
Sudden {Acute) liver failure: – Acute hepatitis – Some drugs(may include herbal treatments, Chinese mediations) – Paracetamol overdose
Chronic (Long term) liver failure:
– Excessive alcohol intake – Hepatitis B, C – Fatty liver ( excessive weight gain, diabetes, high cholesterol) – Autoimmune liver disease
ln children, liver can get damaged due to developmental anomaly of bile duct (biliary atresia) and other metabolic liver diseases.
Some signs and syrnptoms of liver problems are r yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, a condition called jaundice
* Feeling tired or weak r losing your appetite r swelling of feet
* Swelling of the abdomen due to water accumulation r losing rnuscle
* Itching
* Bruising or bleeding easily r Blood in the vomit
* Passing black stools
* Conf usion and disorientation
Liver transplantation is surgery to rerflove a diseased or injured liver and replace it with a healthy one from another person, called a donor. Many people have had liver transplants and now lead normal lives.
Our transplant team will examine you and evaluate your blood tests. Based on their assessment, they will counsel you regarding requirement for a liver transplant. The team will include liver transplant surgeons; liver specialists, called hepatologists; nurses; social workers; and other health care professionals- The transplant tearn will examine you and run blood tests, x rays, and other tests to help decide whether you would benefit from a transplant.
During your evaluation, and while waiting for a transplant, you should take care of your health. Our team will tell you what you can do to stay strong while you wait for a new liver.
A liver transplant is needed when a person’s liver is failing and a doctor recommends he or she be evaluated for a transplant Many diseases can cause liver failure. Cirrhosis scarring of the liver) is the most common reason for liver transplants. Liver cirrhosis after a certain stage is not reversible by medical treatment Other common reasons for liver transplants are: . Chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C . Alcoholic liver disease o Autoimmune Liver diseases o Primary liver cancer. Fatty liver disease o Acute liver failure r Bile duct diseases. Genetic diseases. Children- Wilson’s disease, biliary atresia, metabolic disorders